
Friday, January 27, 2017

Show your Gmail ads to the right people

  • Use domain, keyword and purchase intent targeting to reach new customers.
Why: You can reach people that are likely prospects or ready to convert.
  • Use email lists to re-engage customers.
Why: Customer Match can help you reach your most valuable customers with tailored ads and bids.
  • Use similar audiences with Gmail to reach prospects who are like your customers.
Why: Similar Audiences with Gmail can expand your reach by 2x to highly qualified users.1

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Influencer Marketing

The popularity of influencer marketing is definitely on the rise. According to eMarketer, in 2016 brands spent somewhere north of $570 million on influencer marketing on Instagram alone.

Not sure what all the fuss is about? Basically, it’s all about word of mouth. We all know that word of mouth marketing is the best form of promotion. We are inherently more likely to trust the opinion or recommendation of someone we know. Think of influencer marketing as one way to get that word of mouth promotion online rather than in person. Sure, influencers aren’t usually actually friends with the people who follow them online, but they have nearly the same influence. Influencers are trusted thought leaders and trendsetters, and their followers respect their recommendations because they look up to them. Partnering with the right influencer can be tremendously beneficial to your brand if you’re looking to be introduced to new audiences.

Oftentimes brands imagine going after big-name celebrities as influencers, but the truth is that working with those people will cost a fortune. It’s better to focus on finding niche influencers who have interests or specialties that are in sync with your brand.. Not only will it be more cost-effective to work with them, they’re also the type of people who have audiences that are likely to be interested in your brand.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

B2B Marketing: The Changing Face

81% of non-C-suiters have a say in purchase decisions. Clearly, if you're marketing only to the highest level, you're overlooking the people who need to notice you.
89% of B2B researchers use the internet during the B2B research process.
B2B researchers, on average, do 12 searches before engaging on a specific brand’s site.
Nearly half of potential B2B buyers watch 30 minutes or more of B2B-related videos
91% INCREASED use of a mobile device throughout the entire B2B purchase path
Half of all B2B buyers are millennials

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Obama’s USDS team - MattCutts, Googles Search Engineer

The Final Days of Obama’s Tech Surge
The White House imported Silicon Valley’s best to transform government. Will Trump undo it all?
#MattCutts, #SearchEngineers Obama's tech teams are optimistic publicly but quietly fear for their programs' future after Trump inauguration; Matt Cutts in line to be interim head of USDS: Matt Cutts, who took a leave from his job as one of Google’s top search engineers (and who for years informally became the search team’s key communicator to the tech community) to join the USDS team in the Pentagon. Now Cutts has been appointed the USDS’s new director of engineering, which puts him in line to be the interim head of the service when Dickerson and Van Dyck leave. He’ll stay there until the Trump administration picks a new director — or shuts down the whole saloon.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Now you can start Google searching even you are offline

Now you can start searching even you are offline. Android will now store Google searches offline
The new offline capabilities for search join similar improvements to its other apps, such as Google Translate, Google Maps, and its lightweight search-result pages, which aim to patch up key features when a poor connection would otherwise break them. More Info Google offline search

Saturday, January 14, 2017

48% of organisations do not have a mobile strategy

Despite the fact most organisations agree that mobile deserves a strategic approach, last year's Digital Intelligence Briefing found that nearly half are failing to put this into practice.
The report explained how even the 20% that do have a well-defined mobile strategy are not making the most of customer analysis, proving the untapped potential of data.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mobile is eating the world

Digital Marketing Facts, Findings & Research Marketing Facts, Findings & Research Email is Driving more conversions than any other marketing channel, including search or social media, email marketing is still the reigning king of marketing with an ROI of 3800%. (Campaign Monitor)
Since 74% of consumers prefer to receive communications from companies via email (HubSpot), a branded email address is the first key to establishing credibility and trust.
“Email is the best channel to directly reach potential customers and loyal supporters.”